
International Criminal Court Prosecutor: Warring Parties Have Committed Crimes According to the Rome Statute

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, stated on Monday that the conflicting parties in Sudan are committing crimes according to the International Criminal Courts statute in the Darfur region, and he warned that Sudan is heading towards a "point of collapse" as hostilities sweep the country.

Khan, in a statement to the United Nations Security Council from the Chadian capital NDjamena after meetings with Sudanese refugees, said, "There are reasons to believe that crimes set out in the Rome Statute are currently being committed in Darfur by both the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces and affiliated groups."

He called on the Security Council to pay attention to what is happening in Sudan.

"I submit to you that we are rapidly approaching a point of collapse that requires your attention in light of the conflict in Sudan now more than ever," he said.

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