
League of Arab States.. From ``setback`` to the April war in Sudan

Khaled Masa
On the Arab days of "setback" in 1967 and on the days of the deflation of the flags of the Arab League States against the backdrop of defeat, all States under the umbrella of the League of Arab States needed a position that would save the ash phrase from the destruction of defeat and fracture.

That was the exact timing of the need for the States and peoples of the League to absorb the effects of the earthquake of the military defeat that the occupying Power wanted to support with a political victory that imposed the fait accompli according to the outcome of the field and wrote the last line in the travel of the Central Arab cause. It opens its doors and the Nile Horn to say that the States and peoples of the League will not end in losing a battle and that the war is still long and to add the Arab summit it hosted at the time to the chant of the enemy "Khyber", who chants the "Three Ones" that there is no peace. There is no recognition and no negotiation, which was the cornerstone of the triumph of reparation to break the League of Arab States and its peoples in the 1973 war.

And now... Now, 56 years later, the will of the League of Arab States to setback to the Three Womens Khartoum on the back of the April War is "desired".

The infections of the virus have diminished the will of the League of Arab States to infect the immune system in its resolutions and its attitudes rested with the ropes of the Charter, the Constitution and the crucifixion on the pillars of denunciation, condemnation, disturbance and all the compliments contained in the statements of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, in which nothing but the date of issuance has changed.

The war has hit Syria, Sana a, Yemen, Tripoli, Libya, Iraq and Khartoum Sudan. The summit meetings of the League of Arab States continue to lead us to the "bottom" of the Hebron positions of war-tasted peoples: displacement, asylum and displacement.

The April War in the Sudan, despite the bitterness of its lessons and its high cost of Sudanese blood. However, it is the national obligation to take the lesson and consider it and to take the starting point from it to redefine the "contour" lines in international relations and to review regional and international engagement away from the illusions of common concerns and emotional relations associations and universities that are neither hungry nor insured from fear.

Since the meeting of the Permanent Envoys of the States members of the League of Arab States in the first weeks of the war, which is now two months away from completing its first year, the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States has merely expressed concern, condemnation and condemnation by sitting on the spectators seats on a people paying for war day by day. The priority of the extraordinary meetings of the foreign ministers of the League was the return of Syria "Bashar" to Arab foster, while the Sudan war came on the sidelines of the discussions.

The April War in Sudan, in which the figures for which civilian victims are counted for more than 12 thousand and the statistics for displacement are close to 10 million displaced persons and refugees to 2 million, where nearly 29 million Sudanese remain under threat of famine, the Arab League cannot save its face by inking statements of denunciation, condemnation and orange interviews.

From the first Arab Summit in Egypt in 1946 to the Algiers Summit in 2022 (31) An Arab summit, from the reign of Abdulrahman Azam "Guevara Arabs" until the reign of Abu al-Gheit, the League has not learned any of its disappointments and its constitution and charter have not been liberated because of the narrow hand that has been absent even its humanitarian assistance and progress in Arab imposition prayers Regional organizations The African Union/Gulf Cooperation Council (AU/GCC) has made its position invalid on issues that are an asset of its objectives and responsibilities.

The post-war Sudan needs radical revisions at the level of its international and regional engagements, based on the national interest, to break its relations out of every diplomatic burden that burdens its international relations with the formations (decoration) that we describe as more than extending the spaces of "normalization" and shrinking the spaces of the industry of a common Arab will to address the concerns of the Arab League states under which the League was founded.

The League of Arab States needs real action to develop its mechanisms and means of achieving its objectives, to read with a close eye the roots of the crises of its member States and to create a real weight for the University that is likely to hold its positions on international issues, especially since it has what it can use to influence the indicators of the world economy and not to leave the halter in the hands of others to use to subordinate the will of member States.

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