
US Plans to Appoint Special Envoy to Sudan

The United States is planning to announce a new special envoy for Sudan, according to a report from an American newspaper.

International affairs correspondent Colum Lynch stated in the Devex newspaper on Friday that the US Department of State is in the process of appointing Tom Perriello as the new special envoy for Sudan, without specifying the announcement date, although it mentioned that Secretary of State Blinken informed lawmakers on Thursday that a new envoy might be announced in the coming weeks.

Perriello, a member of the Democratic Party, served during the Obama administration, briefly as a member of Congress, and as a special envoy for the Great Lakes region in Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Until last April, he was the director of Americas projects at the "Open Society" charity founded by Democratic billionaire George Soros, supporting emerging democracies in Eastern European countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The move comes after months of calls from lawmakers from both parties to appoint a special envoy to help prevent Sudan from sliding into a civil war, with the White House previously rejecting intervention in the State Department.

Other reports suggest that the appointment of a special envoy would resolve structural issues within the State Department regarding handling the Sudanese file.

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