
United Nations: Warring Parties Agree to Meet for Facilitating Aid Delivery

The United Nations announced today, Wednesday, that the warring parties have agreed to meet to discuss the delivery of humanitarian aid in Switzerland. However, the UN is awaiting responses from both parties to determine the meetings date.

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, stated in a joint press conference today with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, in Geneva, "I have spoken to the generals, and I said that we need to convene a humanitarian forum, either virtually or in person, and they proposed Switzerland as a venue for the meeting."

He added, "I am still awaiting confirmation of the date."

Griffiths clarified that if the meeting takes place, it will be led by the United Nations, not through intermediaries like Saudi Arabia or the United States, to discuss plans to reach those in need and provide assistance.

He expressed hope that humanitarian diplomacy would succeed, as it did in Syria after the earthquake that occurred a year ago. He said, "People tend to come together for humanitarian purposes more than political purposes."

The press conference aimed to launch an appeal to raise 4.1 billion to cover humanitarian needs for approximately 25 million people, half of Sudans population in 2024, to survive.

The amount includes the budget of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, amounting to 1.4 billion, to assist about 2.7 million refugees in five neighboring countries to Sudan.

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