
``Sudac`` Documentation Calls for the Protection of Radio and Television Libraries

A Sudanese association focused on documentation, Sudac, has called for the protection of records at the Sudanese National Radio and Television Corporation, considering it a repository of decades of distinguished Sudanese creativity in all forms of Sudanese cultural expression.

In a statement, the Sudanese Association for Knowledge Documentation (Sudac) said, "Sudac calls on everyone today and joins its voice with those interested, specialists, and decision-makers to take all practical measures, especially ensuring the preservation of the radio and television wealth in the buildings of the Sudanese National Radio and Television Corporation, and protecting those records that embody decades of distinguished Sudanese creativity in all forms of Sudanese cultural expression."

This appeal comes shortly after a call from the Sudanese Journalists Union to protect the libraries of radio and television, emphasizing the danger of destroying or damaging an archive nearly a hundred years old, representing a political, cultural, and social legacy for the entire Sudanese nation. This concern arises from information about the approaching conflict near the radio and television buildings.

Sudac welcomed the efforts of the International Council on Archives and its communications to draw attention to this unique situation in Sudan and the importance of protecting Sudanese knowledge. Sudac urged relevant international institutions to take necessary measures to protect important national institutions such as archive repositories, libraries, and museums in Sudan.

Here is the English translation of the statement from the Sudanese Association for Knowledge Documentation (Sudac):

The Sudanese Association for Knowledge Documentation (Sudac) has been tirelessly working since its establishment in 2004 to garner widespread support for preserving and safeguarding Sudans intellectual wealth. This includes a continuous call for the digitization of distinguished content deposited in university vaults, research centers, libraries, archive units, and national museums, as well as important collections in various ministries, media institutions, and cultural entities. This is in addition to the rich cultural and intellectual wealth owned by Sudanese individuals across generations, preserved in their cultural centers and private institutions.

This concern has grown recently with the country being engulfed in a severe war, resulting in the destruction of our institutions and universities in Khartoum and other states. There has been a significant loss of our intellectual wealth. Sudac appreciates the great efforts made by a generous number of workers who have implemented precautionary measures to avert dangers at their workplaces.

At the same time, Sudac echoes the responsible call made by the International Council on Archives and the communications conducted by the council to draw attention to this unique situation in Sudan. It emphasizes the importance of protecting Sudanese knowledge and calls on relevant international institutions to take necessary measures to safeguard important national institutions such as archive repositories, libraries, and museums in Sudan.

Sudac calls on everyone today and adds its voice to those interested, specialists, and decision-makers to take all practical measures, especially to ensure the preservation of radio and television wealth in the buildings of the Sudanese National Radio and Television Corporation. This includes protecting the records that embody decades of distinguished Sudanese creativity in all forms of Sudanese cultural expression.

Sudanese Association for Knowledge Documentation (Sudac) - February 2024.

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