
France to host a conference to mobilize humanitarian aid for Sudan

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné announced yesterday, Thursday, that France will host a humanitarian conference to provide aid to Sudan in April.

During a hearing session in the National Assembly, Séjourné said, "We will host a humanitarian conference for Sudan and neighboring countries in Paris on April 15th to help resolve the tragic humanitarian crisis," according to a statement on the French Embassys digital platform in Sudan.

He added, "The crisis should not be forgotten."

The minister did not provide further details, but Reuters quoted French diplomatic sources as saying that the conference would bring together ministers from neighboring countries, influential regional entities, and Western countries, in addition to UN agencies and non-governmental organizations operating in the region, with no plans to invite warring factions.

The French "Citizens Blog" mentioned that the initiative aims to alleviate the suffering of millions of people affected by the conflict and mobilize the necessary resources to meet their basic needs.

It added that the conference would bring together key international actors from the public and private sectors and civil society to identify the most urgent needs and mobilize the necessary resources to address them. Discussions will also focus on ways to support neighboring countries facing a massive influx of Sudanese refugees. The conference will seek to enhance coordination between various humanitarian organizations and promote joint initiatives for an effective and sustainable response to the crisis.

The Paris humanitarian conference will focus on ways to provide immediate needs, such as access to clean water, food, and medical care, and support relief operations on the ground by providing additional resources and enhancing the capabilities of humanitarian actors. It will also seek to explore solutions to help rebuild the country and facilitate the return of displaced people to their homes.

The conference represents a unique opportunity to mobilize international support and find solutions to alleviate the suffering of victims of the conflict. Several United Nations agencies, including the Humanitarian Coordinator and the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, have called on the international community not to forget civilians affected by the Sudan war and have urged it to raise 4.1 billion to meet their humanitarian needs and support those who fled to neighboring countries for the current fiscal year 2024.

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