
Promotion of peace and sustainable development: Genuine commitment by OSCE

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015, recognizes not only that peace and security are prerequisites for sustainable development, but that sustainable development is the path to peaceful societies.
This new agenda, whose focus is ambitious and inclusive in nature, is free to serve as a gateway to a new global spirit of solidarity. It marks the beginning of a new development era thanks to its five pillars, namely, peace, humanity, planet Earth, prosperity and partnerships. Only with the support and participation of all key stakeholders, including Governments, civil society, the business sector, academia, parliaments and international organizations, can its 17 goals, which include 169 objective, be translated into concrete action on the ground. OSCE is ready to play its part in contributing to this crucial global effort as the worlds largest regional security organization, under Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations.

The Organizations concept of comprehensive security, which encompasses political, military, economic and environmental aspects, human rights and democracy, is fully consistent with the 2030 Agenda. The Organizations founding document, the Helsinki Outcome, was undoubtedly recognized in 1975 as the basis for sustainable development, in line with its current concept. In the decades since then, the Organizations participating States have reached consensus on a number of other relevant political commitments, including the Organizations Economic and Environmental Dimension Strategy Document (Maastricht Document), developed in 2003, which focuses on sustainable development and identifies specific actions and areas of cooperation. They are key elements of the Organizations efforts to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments focus on peace was no coincidence and comes at a critical time for global and regional security. Armed conflicts have once again become a reality in the Organizations region, where divisions are growing, thus destabilizing the foundations of both regional and international security. These security challenges are further exacerbated by a range of new transnational and global threats, also addressed in Agenda 2030.
OSCE is primarily a security agency. Its comprehensive security concept, together with its broad membership of 57 participating States, provides a solid basis for promoting sustainable development. As the 2030 Agenda strengthens the close relationship between peace, security and development, the Organization will most likely contribute to its implementation by participating, first and foremost, in all stages of the conflict cycle, from early warning, prevention and crisis management to conflict resolution and post-conflict recovery. It is actively involved in strengthening security at multiple levels, through its network of field operations in more than a dozen countries, and the activities of its secretariat, institutions and parliamentary assembly. In particular, it refers to its field operations; that not only support long-term reform efforts, but also assist in monitoring situations in specific contexts, through early warning, support and possible early intervention in the event of a crisis, monitoring the implementation of conflict resolution measures, or assisting countries efforts towards post-conflict rehabilitation and reconciliation. At the same time, the Organizations activities in the area of confidence-building support measures and security enhancement, through arms control, transparency in military affairs and dialogue, are equally important for stabilization and sustainable development.

Ensuring lasting peace, prosperity and stability for more than 1 billion people in North America, Europe and Asia is one of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europes main objectives. The Organizations support for strengthening democratic institutions, ensuring the rule of law and protecting human rights helps to promote sustainable development. These efforts are strengthened by the active participation of members of the organizations Parliamentary Assembly, whose parliamentary status makes them a key stakeholder identified in the 2030 Agenda. The organization has also developed specific tools and programmes specifically designed to help Governments address the root causes of intolerance and discrimination, and will continue to promote inclusion and tolerance of diversity and societal integration. Recognizing that the free flow of information is critical to maintaining peace, advancing democracy and ensuring sustainable development, the Organization will continue to support the freedom and pluralism of the media in all participating States.

Achieving gender equality and womens empowerment is the cornerstone of the organizations security approach, which protects and promotes human rights and the dignity of women and men and calls for womens full and equal participation in society, both in peacetime and in conflict situations. The organizations activities aimed at empowering women and girls and ensuring their full and effective participation in political, economic and public life and the elimination of all forms of violence against them are in full compliance with the requirements of the 2030 Agenda.
The global migration challenge can be addressed only through a rights-based collaborative approach and ensures that migration plays a strong and sustained role in stimulating development. Efficient migration policy frameworks, including regional policy frameworks, are key to facilitating safe and responsible migration and peoples mobility. The organization will continue to serve as a comprehensive forum for dialogue and expertise to facilitate the integration of migrants and refugees, ensure effective management of labour migration and promote freedom of movement, thereby bringing benefits to sustainable development.

Planet Earth
The organization recognizes that a two-way relationship between environment, security and environmental challenges may be a source of conflict and that environmental cooperation may be a tool for conflict prevention and confidence-building. It will continue to contribute to international discussions on environmental issues from a security perspective and focus its attention on transforming environmental risks into opportunities for cooperation, focusing on the following thematic areas:

Water is a cross-cutting issue for sustainable development and an indispensable component of the Organizations comprehensive security approach. The organization supports participating States in joint water resource management and promotes the rationalization of water management through the implementation of projects at the regional, national and local levels. It will continue to utilize the full potential of water diplomacy to enhance security and stability in its region.
• Disasters of both natural and man-made types represent another difficult challenge for both security and sustainable development. The organization will continue to support disaster risk reduction efforts through awareness-raising and capacity-building within and between countries. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 will be an important reference in this endeavour.

The 2030 Agenda calls for urgent action to address climate change. The participants in the discussions at a security event devoted to climate change and security convened by the organization in October 2015 concluded that the multiple risks posed by climate change required a multidimensional response. Some experts say that climate change is no longer merely a "multiplier of the security threat", but a "catalyst for the threat". However, cooperation in addressing climate change and climate diplomacy is also a good starting point for conflict prevention and confidence-building. The organization will build on the global political momentum created by the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change to continue to analyse and raise awareness of the security impacts of climate change, identify geographical hotspots and assist the organizations participating States in developing and implementing adaptation strategies, particularly in cross-border contexts.

• The environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and toxic chemicals and the prevention of their illicit transboundary movement are also areas where the organization has extensive expertise to assist participating States. This expertise, together with initiatives to increase resource efficiency, will contribute to ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
• The Organization also promotes the rationalization of environmental governance. The organizations network of Aarhus centres, which now includes 60 centres in 14 participating States, contributes to peace, democracy and sustainable development by promoting access to information, public participation and access to justice, as well as transparency and accountability.
• The organization provided a platform for dialogue on energy security, cooperation, information exchange and sharing of best practices on sustainable development, renewable energy and energy efficiency; It will continue to play an important role in developing a sustainable approach to energy security by bringing together major energy-producing, transit and consumer countries.

Good economic governance, the rule of law and equitable economic development are prerequisites for peaceful and prosperous societies and States. OSCE will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through its activities in the areas of strengthening international economic cooperation, improving the business and investment climate, streamlining regulatory frameworks and combating corruption, money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.
International trade and transport activities also play a vital role in regional economic development. In most cases, procedural barriers and "excessive bureaucracy" at border crossings constitute an obstacle to international trade and foreign investment, raising trade transaction costs and delaying cross-border movement of goods. The Organization will continue to assist participating States in developing more efficient policies on border procedures, transport and customs transactions, while maintaining high security standards.

The impact of the OSCE comprehensive dialogue extends beyond the borders of the organizations 57 participating States. The Organizations close relations with partner countries in the southern Mediterranean region and in Asia make it possible to share best practices on many issues affecting security in its region and adjacent areas.
The Organization works first and foremost to ensure that its efforts are combined with those of the United Nations and many other international and regional organizations as well, with a view to developing and implementing effective responses to traditional and emerging challenges. The Environment and Security Initiative is a concrete example of this approach. The organizations long-standing partnership with UNDP, UNEP, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Regional Centre for the Environment in Central and Eastern Europe allows for coordinated environmental action in support of the 2030 Agenda. While there are many other examples of the Organizations partnerships in various areas of sustainable development, there is also considerable potential for enhanced cooperation with international financial institutions, the private sector and civil society to lay the foundations for a strong and necessary alliance to implement the ambitious and challenging vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Cooperation is an essential element
The complexity and complexity of global and transnational challenges are becoming increasingly complex and exacerbated accordingly by the threat they pose to sustainable development, which no country can address alone. This is one of the main reasons why regional organizations, such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), play an important role in supporting the 2030 Agenda. The Organization will continue to serve as a comprehensive forum for dialogue and cooperation on security issues that have a direct impact on development, creating a strong link between security in its region and global security. However, closer coordination is needed between international and regional organizations, Governments, civil society and other relevant actors in order to create new synergies, while ensuring effective division of labour and efficient use of resources. We will succeed in achieving peace and prosperity for people throughout our planet only if we join forces.

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