
United Nations: Warring Parties Inflict Unbridled Horror in Sudan

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, presented a shocking picture of the horrors inflicted by the warring parties on the citizens in Sudan due to the war they have been waging since April of last year. He warned that the Sudan crisis has lost global attention.

Türk told the 55th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Friday, "The Sudanese armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces have spread absolute terror in the country, killed thousands without remorse, forced millions to flee, destroyed medical services, prevented humanitarian aid to citizens, and acted with malicious disregard for human life."

He added that the warring parties continuously act with the belief of escaping punishment and a clear lack of accountability for the numerous violations they have committed. They continue to freeze any talks and negotiations that could achieve peace, safety, and the dignity that the people of Sudan desperately need.

He expressed his shock at the war parties recruiting children and civilians, saying, "I have been horrified by the increasing calls to arm civilians, including children. My office has recently received reports that the Rapid Support Forces have recruited hundreds of children as fighters in Darfur, and the Sudanese armed forces have done the same in eastern Sudan," confirming that "these practices flagrantly violate the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflicts, which Sudan is committed to."

He continued, "What is also concerning is reports indicating that civilians themselves are mobilizing themselves as part of the new Popular Armed Resistance movement," warning that "this could lead to the formation of an armed civilian militia with no specific control, increasing the chances of Sudan slipping into a long-term civil war."

The High Commissioner for Human Rights outlined a series of severe violations and abuses of international human rights law committed by the warring parties in Sudan between April and December 2023. He also presented details of serious violations of international humanitarian law, which require investigation and accountability, many of which may rise to the level of war crimes or other heinous crimes.

He said, "At least 14,600 people were killed, and 26,000 others were injured. There is no doubt that the actual numbers are much higher. The toll includes thousands of civilians, including many children and women. Many humanitarian and health workers have also lost their lives while working under fire to help those in need."

He added that the use of indiscriminate impact weapons, even in densely populated urban areas, launched from fighter jets, drones, and tanks, is only one part of the weapons.

He continued, "Sexual violence has been used as a weapon of war, including rape, a distinctive and despicable feature of this crisis since the beginning."

He added, "Since the start of the conflict in April, my office has documented 60 incidents of sexual violence related to the conflict, including at least 120 victims across the country, the vast majority of whom are women and girls. Unfortunately, these numbers significantly underrepresent the reality. Reports indicate that men wearing the uniform of the Rapid Support Forces and armed men affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces are responsible for 81% of the documented incidents."

He added, "My office has received alarming reports of racially motivated killings, including beheadings in North Kordofan, and incidents in various areas, including Khartoum state, West Darfur, and the Gezira state. My office will follow up with the Sudanese authorities to ensure the investigation of these allegations and the accountability of the perpetrators."

He expressed deep concern about the fate of thousands of civilians held by the parties and affiliated with them, detained arbitrarily, and the fate of hundreds who have disappeared. Among them are political activists, human rights defenders, members of resistance committees, and alleged supporters of one of the warring parties, among many others. Many of them are alleged to have been subjected to torture, and many have died as a result of their injuries.

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