
US envoy: Sudanese parties should return to Jeddah initiative

Follow-up – moatinoon
US envoy to Sudan Tom Periello said he would meet with Sudans emergency response committees and youth and womens committees as part of efforts to bring peace to the country.

In an interview with Al-Hurra, the United States envoy stated that all Sudanese parties must commit themselves to the peace talks and looked forward to the parties return to the Jeddah Platform initiative.

The United States and Saudi Arabia have led a series of talks between the two sides, but have not reached a conclusion.

Last month, the United States appointed a special envoy for the Sudan in a new effort to persuade the warring parties to lay down arms after 10 months of fighting and bloodshed.

Berielo explained that Sudanese women had worked to empower democracy and peace and wished to see progress in the Sudans humanitarian situation.

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