
Volunteers: Healthcare in Jabal Awlia Threatened with Halt

The local emergency room of Jabal Awlia reported losing contact with health units in the region, and others are at risk of stopping due to the disruption of communications and the internet, while the number of patients is increasing.

In a statement from the medical office affiliated with the emergency room last Saturday, it stated that it "is no longer able to monitor the health situation in the locality and has lost communication with 9 health facilities that were working diligently to provide basic services to citizens and supply medicines for chronic diseases, including a kidney dialysis center (Salmaniya), due to the disruption of communications."

The services provided by the emergency rooms to citizens rely on banking applications to receive grants and financial support provided by donors and expatriates.

It added that 8 health centers and 12 medical points (Safe Houses) are threatened with complete cessation, while medical units are witnessing a significant increase in the number of patients, including cases of infectious diseases.

However, it affirmed that medical service in the basic health units located in Turki Hospital, Bashair Hospital, and the Martyr Wadaa Allah Center continues.

The local emergency room in Jabal Awlia consists of three emergency rooms: Al-Klaklat Emergency Room, Jabal Emergency Room, and South Belt Emergency Room, according to the statement.

It pointed out the increasing numbers of those infected with infectious diseases (malaria, waterborne diseases, tuberculosis, bilharzia, scabies, measles, worms, dengue fever, meningitis, typhoid), a clear rise in cases of anemia, malnutrition among children and pregnant women.

It warned that the lack of specialized nutrition centers led to an increase in deaths among children under five and the spread of childhood diseases in the locality due to the continuous unavailability of vaccines in all health units since the outbreak of the war, except in one center, which is the Martyr Wadaa Allah Center in Klaklat, which has almost completely stopped providing immunization services for more than 3 months.

It stated that the cessation of immunization services will lead to an increase in child mortality, miscarriages, and fetal deaths.

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