
Integration of Sudanese Refugees in Uganda into Self-Reliance Projects

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Uganda stated that it is working on integrating Sudanese refugees in Uganda into programs that assist refugees in building their own projects for self-reliance.

In its mid-month report on its website, the commission mentioned that it "actively works with partners to enhance the inclusion of Sudanese individuals in livelihoods partner programs for 2024 in Kampala."

This was emphasized during the "Urban Task Force" meeting held in Kampala last month.

It added that agricultural engineers and agriculturists at Kiryandongo camp have been asked to explore livelihood options for those who choose to stay to support their self-sustainability.

The commissions livelihoods project support staff will hold consultation sessions to support those who choose to stay in Kampala, indicating that they and their partners have met with newly arrived Sudanese in Kampala and Kiryandongo to identify and explore livelihood and self-reliance projects.

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