
Libyan Ambulance Authority: 4 Sudanese Die, 12 Injured on the Way to Libya

The Emergency and Ambulance Authority in the city of Kufra, southern Libya, stated that 4 Sudanese individuals died and 12 others were injured as a result of a car fire in the desert south of the city.

In a statement last Monday, the Authority explained that a team from the Kufra Emergency and Rescue Authority, along with the Illegal Immigration Combat Unit in Kufra, recovered 4 charred bodies as a result of the car fire that transported them over the past two days in the desert, 240 kilometers south of Kufra.

The ambulance authority added that the car was carrying 16 Sudanese passengers, including women and children, most of whom suffered varying degrees of burns. They were treated at the Martyr Attia Al-Kashef Teaching Hospital in Kufra, and some were referred to specialized hospitals in Benghazi.

Last Saturday, the Libyan Human Rights Foundation posted on its page that a car carrying a number of Sudanese refugees overturned and caught fire south of Kufra while attempting to enter Libya via the city of Kufra.

The organization added, "The displacement of Sudanese refugees towards Libya continues under difficult and dangerous conditions, as they take unknown routes, many of which are cut off, and the fate of many remains unknown. Despite the efforts made by local authorities and the Emergency and Ambulance Authority in the city of Kufra, the situation remains unsafe for everyone, as hospitals in the city lack the urgent capabilities to deal with accident cases, burns, and other injuries suffered by migrants and others attempting to cross the desert to Libya."

In the absence of reliable sources of information for those seeking refuge in Libya, many turn to various groups on Facebook, which are a mixture of commercial advertising and individual guidance.

On the other hand, Libyan activists circulated a post about the arrival of humanitarian aid for Sudanese refugees in the city of Kufra yesterday, Thursday, on the occasion of Ramadan, by the "Paths of Peace Battalion" affiliated with the General Command of the Libyan National Army in the city of Kufra.

The post stated that the aid is the second batch provided by the General Command under the direct supervision of the General Commander, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, provided to displaced persons from the sisterly Sudan in the city of Kufra. It includes "flour, rice, oil, tomatoes, milk, tea, tuna, cheese, and pasta." The battalion immediately began loading it onto a small transport vehicle to pass it to the Sudanese families registered in advance at their residences within the city to distribute it to them and to all displaced Sudanese.

The battalions page had announced in February the dispatch of a relief convoy for Sudanese refugees in the city of Kufra consisting of 50 trucks containing all kinds of food supplies, clothing, mattresses, blankets, and was distributed with the participation of the Illegal Immigration Combat Unit in Kufra, inside the Immigration Center, in the presence of the Acting Mayor and the Head of the Illegal Immigration Unit in Kufra, the appointed commander of the Paths of Peace Battalion, and a representative of the Sudanese community in Kufra, in addition to the presence of the Central Support Men for the organization in the process of allowing the displaced persons to enter the center to receive aid.

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