
Deputy Head of Médecins Sans Frontières Mission: Sudanese Make Me Feel Like Family

Deputy Head of Médecins Sans Frontières Mission: Sudanese Make Me Feel Like Family

In early February 2024, Francesca Archidiaco assumed the position of Deputy Head of the Médecins Sans Frontières mission. She previously served as Head of Mission for Médecins Sans Frontières in Sudan last year and witnessed the outbreak of the current war. Below, she speaks about her decision to return to Sudan and what this return means to her personally.

"Sudan holds a special place in my heart. I spent several months there, from October 2022 to July 2023, during a period marked by major events. While our response at the time aimed to support refugees and marginalized local communities in specific locations, the situation quickly intensified, and we found ourselves amidst a devastating conflict.

The day the war broke out is still etched in my memory. It was a Saturday morning, and my phone didnt stop receiving messages and warnings. I was away from Khartoum at the time, visiting our project for Ethiopian refugees and host communities in Um Rakuba camp in the Gedaref State. When we realized the severity of the situation, we canceled all planned activities for that field visit.

During the initial days, efforts focused on organizing evacuation operations and ensuring the safety of our teams and patients in Khartoum, Omdurman, and El Geneina.

The thought of leaving Sudan never crossed my mind, despite my proximity to the borders. Within a few days, Khartoum transformed from a stable capital to a war-torn battleground. New waves of violence erupted in numerous locations across the country and in Darfur.

It wasnt the destruction we witnessed that I remember most from this period, but rather the resilience and kindness of the population despite the violence, displacement, and harsh conditions they endured. My Sudanese colleagues stayed in constant communication with me to check on my well-being and made me feel like family. They worked around the clock to launch our new emergency response in Khartoum State, establish new bases in Wad Madani and Port Sudan, and continue activities in Gedaref State.

Now, I am returning to Sudan to assume the position of Deputy Head of Mission. After nearly 11 months of war, we are witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Thousands have lost their lives, millions have been displaced, and the healthcare system and other essential services are on the brink of collapse. The dry season is expected to begin in a few weeks, and this years outlook is far from positive. Additionally, our response continues to be hindered by numerous bureaucratic obstacles, and we still face difficulties in accessing some of the most conflict-affected areas and communities. All of this is happening concurrently with the start of Ramadan.

Despite the challenges and dangers we may face in the coming months, my commitment to supporting Médecins Sans Frontières projects in Sudan remains unwavering. Sudan today is one of the countries most in need of our activities.

Since joining Médecins Sans Frontières in 2015, Francesca has worked in several countries, including Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Iraq, Nigeria, Haiti, and Sudan. She did not end her studies in economics and political science at the academic level; instead, it served as a launching point for making tangible changes in the lives of people struggling amid crises, embodying the essence of humanitarian work.

Source: Médecins Sans Frontières website, Voices from Sudan section
Published on March 19, 2024

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