
International Rescue Committee: Waiting for Famine Declaration Is Morally Unacceptable

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) stated that people in Sudan are dying of hunger, with 222,000 children at risk of death due to malnutrition.

The committee called on international policymakers and parties to the conflict to take immediate action to address the hunger crisis. It said, "Weapons must be silenced, humanitarian access improved, and funding increased urgently. Every day of delay will lead to further suffering and loss of life." The IRC emphasized that humanitarian intervention in Sudan faces a funding gap of 2.56 billion.

Shashwat Saraf, Regional Emergency Director for East Africa at the International Rescue Committee, said in a statement on Monday, "We cannot wait until people die of hunger before expanding our response. Through our experience in conflict and crisis areas, we are certain that people are dying of hunger."

He added, "Delaying action until an official famine declaration is made is ethically unacceptable and will only lead to more suffering and loss of life."

The organization reported that the daily screening of children in IRC clinics has seen a 175% increase in cases of malnourished children under the age of five since the start of the conflict, partially due to insufficient food consumption caused by the conflict.

Saraf warned that the worst is yet to come, saying, "The food security situation in Sudan is dire, and as the country prepares to enter the lean season, the worst is yet to come. The conflict has hindered peoples ability to cultivate crops, disrupted markets, led to large-scale displacement, affected peoples incomes, and restricted access to aid, leaving millions without enough food."

He added, "There is an urgent need for an immediate cessation of hostilities, unimpeded humanitarian access, and increased funding to provide healthcare and clean water supplies to reduce the risks of preventable diseases such as diarrhea, malaria, and measles from claiming more lives. Families must be supported to produce and access food and bear its costs."


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