
Human rights organization accuses Rapid Support Forces of displacing villagers in Jazeera state

A Sudanese human rights organization has accused the Rapid Support Forces of displacing residents of the Al-Hasahisa and South Jazeera localities and looting their property.

In a statement on Saturday, the Emergency Lawyers Organization said that hundreds of civilians from the Al-Hasahisa and South Jazeera localities fled to neighboring villages following an attack by the Rapid Support Forces on 9 villages. During the attack, civilians were subjected to killings, looting, detention, and sexual violence, causing panic and prompting the residents to flee.

The organization clarified that the villages targeted in the attack were Wad Bahi, Alwali Abu Sir, Altakalah, Manaqiza, Sharfat, Almadina, Kambu Khidir, Wad Habib Allah, and Umm Tartibat.

"We draw the attention of the entire world to the scale of the tragedy and disaster facing civilians in Jazeera," it said, noting that the forced displacement of local populations and the looting of their property constitute crimes against humanity and exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the state.

The organization emphasized that international law explicitly prohibits acts of looting and plundering targeting civilians and their property in armed conflict situations.

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