
Hundreds of suspected dengue fever cases in Bahri

Suspected cases of dengue fever are escalating in Bahri, Khartoum city, at a high rate in recent days according to a volunteer group in the city.

The Khartoum Bahri Emergency Room announced today, Monday, that it has recorded around 400 suspected cases of dengue fever in six neighborhoods in the city.

It clarified that the highest number of cases was recorded in the Shabiya neighborhood, reaching 200 cases, followed by Shambat neighborhood with 100 cases, Safia neighborhood with 50 cases, Al-Mazad neighborhood with 20 cases, Al-Danagla neighborhood with 12 cases, and Hulat Hamad with two cases.

It added that the reasons for the spread of the disease include ongoing conflict, lack of sufficient medical supplies and health centers, and difficulty in providing medical and humanitarian assistance due to the absence of safe passages for transporting them to affected areas, exacerbating the humanitarian situation in the city.

It called for working on finding permanent and effective solutions to curb the spread of dengue fever and improve the health conditions of the affected population. It appealed to the international community and humanitarian organizations to provide the necessary medical and humanitarian support to the people of Bahri and ensure its immediate and secure delivery to those in urgent need.

The Emergency Room had announced the appearance of the disease for the first time on April 2, stating that the symptoms of the disease "appeared on a large number of citizens due to the weak healthcare and examination mechanisms in the city, making it difficult to diagnose the disease accurately."

Local authorities were urged to take immediate measures to combat the spread of dengue fever and increase inspection and examination efforts to detect cases of the disease, as well as providing the necessary vaccinations and medications for treating those affected by this disease.

Since April 3, the medical office of the Bahri Emergency Room has been publishing a series of media posts with illustrative drawings to educate citizens about the disease, its causes, and preventive methods.

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