
March in Washington Calls on President Biden to Speak Out on Sudan

Sixteen American and Sudanese non-governmental organizations announced the organization of a march in the U.S. capital, Washington, to mark one year since the war in Sudan, aiming to deliver a petition to President Joe Biden urging him to speak publicly about the crisis in Sudan.

The participating organizations, through their digital platforms, called on supporters to sign a petition titled "Speak Out on Sudan," urging President Biden to "address the nation and the world to witness the unfolding tragedy, mobilize international support for civilians, and prevent further loss of civilian lives."

The organizations explained that the march will take place on April 15 at Freedom Plaza under the theme "United for Sudan: A National March in Washington, D.C.," leading to the White House to deliver the petition to President Biden.

The list of organizations includes Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Watch, International Refugee Organization, Humanity United, iACT, American Sudanese Physicians Association, Darfur Women Action Group, Kadanka Magazine, American Sudanese Public Affairs Association, Refugee Congress, Never Again Coalition, American Sudanese Graduates Association, American Friends Service Committee, NOIR United International, and Advocacy Network for Africa.

The organizations stated, "It has been a year since the war in Sudan, yet the international communitys response remains wholly inadequate. It is time to demand action and show solidarity with the people of Sudan, and President Biden must speak publicly about the crisis in Sudan. Sudan cannot wait. History is watching."

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