
Conference in Cairo Discusses the Journey of Sudanese Journalism Dean

Amid a large presence of Sudanese attendees, a seminar titled "Roles in the Public Sphere... and Impact on National, Political, and Professional Issues" commenced to commemorate the passing of the esteemed figure, Mahjoub Mohamed Salih, in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, where he spent his final days and was laid to rest.

Dr. Sarah Nagdallah, head of the commemoration committee, stated that the late departed had a rightful place among all Sudanese, evident through his writings, human connections, political engagements, and broad vision for Sudan. His concern for Sudan never left him until his passing.

Dr. Amira Ahmed, speaking on behalf of the American University and the Cultural Heritage Project for Immigrants at the university, welcomed the large turnout for the seminar. She highlighted these events, initiated by Sudanese individuals worldwide, as reflective of his unique spirit and character. Mahjoub was a committed journalist who mentored hundreds, an eloquent writer, perceptive and courageous, steadfast in his friendships, a supporter of womens issues both in word and deed, and a defender of the marginalized and Sudanese citizens, leaving behind a luminous legacy as a staunch advocate for public freedoms, justice, peace, and democracy.

Engineer Mohammed Farouk, representing Dr. Farouk Mohamed Ibrahim, emphasized Mahjoubs pivotal roles in Sudanese political, student, and labor movements against colonialism. He underscored Mahjoubs contributions to Sudanese history and the national democratic project.

Dr. Farouk highlighted Mahjoubs commitment to the Socialist Party, his dedication to nurturing its members and establishing its organizations and unions. Despite being expelled from the Faculty of Arts, Mahjoub was among three students who qualified to sit for the University of Londons Bachelors degree examination. He chose journalism over continuing formal education, dedicating himself to his political project.

Dr. Ibrahim Amin, a leader in the National Umma Party, discussed Mahjoubs influential national and patriotic roles across journalism and civil society throughout his life. He emphasized Mahjoubs various roles aimed at fostering dialogue to assess the positives and negatives of Sudans revolutionary trajectory.

Journalist and writer Atim Simon, in his presentation, highlighted Mahjoubs interest in South Sudanese issues from early in his political consciousness. He mentioned Mahjoubs founding of the English-language newspaper "Sudan Times" in the 1980s, focusing on South Sudans status within Sudanese constitutional discussions.

Atim praised Mahjoubs efforts post-South Sudans independence in 2011, founding an organization for people-to-people relations between Sudan and South Sudan. Mahjoubs commitment to responsible journalism ethics and his deep analytical approach distinguished him.

Saba Mohamed Adam discussed Mahjoubs support for womens causes and Sudanese female journalists during her time working with him at Al-Ayyam newspaper. She emphasized his belief in equality in newsroom roles and praised his inspiring project "Popular Correspondents," which aimed to train peripheral journalists and improve regional coverage.

These descriptions capture Mahjoub Mohamed Salihs extensive contributions and profound impact on Sudanese journalism and broader societal issues.

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