
Youth Coalition for Peace: Lets be a Voice for Peace Together

A group of youth organizations and initiatives have called upon humanitarian and civil organizations to work towards peace, bridge communication gaps, open new horizons for resolving the Sudanese crisis, and end the suffering of citizens.

In a statement released today, they expressed hope for a ceasefire and engagement in comprehensive peace talks, stating that "youth must play a vital role in solidifying peace principles through open and constructive dialogues with all parties involved in the conflict."

The coalition includes the Young Peers Education Network, Civil Education Network, Artaka Art Group, Adissina Foundation for Culture and Arts, Hands of Hope Association, Towards a Tech Society Initiative, Future Team, Youth Reform Association, Kassala Womens Forum, and Be the Change Initiative.

The statement reads as follows:

Statement on the Occasion of One Year Since the War in Sudan

Days pass and a year passes on perfection, and Sudan is under the cruelty of the armed conflict and the ongoing destructive war that has destroyed the green and the land. We remember these days with deep pain and sorrow, the horror of children and the screams of mothers, and the tears of fathers for the suffering of souls and destruction of the country.

The time has come after a year of this war, and destruction and destruction to prevail over the voice of reason and control in what is happening, and here we are calling for reason, and we address the living conscience and the human values of all actors and influencers in the course of the war, to act on Re-calculation of what is happening. We appeal to everyone to abandon the approach of violence and gunfire, and adopt the approach of dialogue to reach a peaceful solution that stops this war that has burdened on the hearts and bodies of the isolated and innocent civilians.

Statistics related to the fallout of this crisis are serious and frightening. As the latest estimates indicate that Sudan is witnessing the largest wave of internal displacement in the world today, and that 25 million Sudanese are in need of urgent humanitarian aids, of whom 18 million suffer from food deficiency most of them are women and children, this besides having about 19 million Sudanese children who have not been able to continue their education in Schools, which represents the loss of the greatest opportunities in building a solid foundation future. Add to that the large numbers of forced immigrants who have lost their homes due to the conflict. Its estimated that more than 8.5 million fled their homes alongside 1.8 million became refugees abroad in tragic circumstances.
Add to that other challenges such as widespread epidemics and predicted famine, which doubles the size of the tragedy.

We, as Youth Coalition, believe that youth should play a vital role in solidifying the principles of peace through open and constructive dialogues with all stakeholders to the conflict, hoping to achieve a ceasefire and engage in comprehensive peace talks.

We recognize the profound collapse of the education and health systems, and as reports issued by specialized international organizations confirm, the conflict has claimed the lives of more than 15,000 people, and war crimes have doubled beyond silence.

Faced with these circumstances, we turn especially to humanitarian and civilian organizations and everyone with a heart that beats with love of life to combine efforts and work for a better future. Lets all be a voice that calls for peace, builds bridges for communication, and move towards new horizons of solutions.

Thus, we present this statement as a declaration of hope and raise our voices a call for peace and the end of this daily suffering of our people, based on our firm convictions of humanity that will remain our constant source of inspiration.

Youth Coalition For Peace And Community Peace


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