
Humanitarian Situation Deteriorates and Collapses in Darfur Displacement Camps

Adam Rojal
Adam Rojal

Adam Rajal

The senseless war in Sudan has reached its worst, and we are warning of the seriousness of the humanitarian and health conditions in Darfurs displacement camps, which are deteriorating and collapsing daily in a terrifying manner. We cannot describe this critical humanitarian situation without shedding tears of pain and feeling remorse. We lack the ability to save their lives due to the situation reaching a terrible and horrifying stage.

Rates of severe acute malnutrition (clinical) are increasing among children, pregnant women, mothers, the elderly, and people with special needs, along with other diseases like malaria, infections, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, and undiagnosed illnesses.

Displaced people in Surtuny camp travel long distances, estimated in kilometers, to access drinking water, and some drink together with livestock due to scarcity of food.

Displaced people from West Fasher who fled to Shagra area are facing harsh and miserable humanitarian conditions. They urgently need food, drinking water, spending most of their time fetching water for over 7 hours, shelter materials, and life-saving medicines. The situation is similar for displaced people in El Fasher city, Abu Shouk camp, and Zamzam camp, with increased violence and road closures leading to higher prices of consumables and worsening cases of severe malnutrition. In Abu Shouk camp, there are daily cases of miscarriages among women due to food shortages.

The humanitarian situation in Kalma camp is deteriorating and collapsing daily, approaching a new stage of mass starvation or infectious diseases due to population density, lack of medicines, and similar conditions in other camps like Attash, Salam, Marshenig, Kass, Gameza, Tor, Neirteti, Al Hamidiya, Khamsa Daqaig, Rongtat, Delage, Qarsila, Bandasi, Mukjar, Um Dukhun, Forbaranga, Krink, Almim, Kebkabiya, Soranq, Diba Neira, Kutum, Qulul, Kalu Kating, Torantora, Saboun al-Fuqar. The humanitarian situation is an emergency.

This is a small part of the models of camps in Darfur that urgently need food, medicine, water, and shelter, as well as support for host communities.

The suffering and tragedy of displaced people in Darfur have reached their peak, and any delay means losing more lives. Those who obstruct and prevent humanitarian aid from reaching its rightful recipients do not understand our circumstances. Using food, medicine, and water as weapons of starvation and death is the worst form of confrontation with firearms, which the conflict parties in Sudan have utilized against communities. Their objective is akin to the cowardly acts carried out by Bashirs regime and his cohorts when they expelled humanitarian organizations operating in the region in 2009 and 2013, causing a humanitarian crisis and eroding trust until the April 15, 2023 war, which eradicated all aspects of life, leaving a mark in the historical records for future generations.

In conclusion, we say no to war. There must be a way to immediately and permanently cease fire and resort to Sudanese dialogue that includes everyone except the National Congress Party and its affiliates who planned and created militias to support them, destroying the nation and its citizens with the prevailing typical mentality in Arab Islamic extremism, or rather, extremist organizations working in complete tandem to destabilize Sudanese society and claim the lives of thousands of Sudanese citizens across all Sudanese regions.

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