
The Green Sudan Movement: The Five Appeals

The Green Sudan Movement has called on all sectors of the Sudanese population to unite, take control of national decision-making, and close the door to foreign interventions. The movement asserts that the issues surrounding power and wealth conflicts can only be resolved through genuine participation of the people in governance and administration.

The movement made five appeals, the first of which calls on the Sudanese people to adopt a comprehensive grassroots societal reconciliation based on mutual consent, transparency, prioritizing national interests, redressing grievances, and compensating victims without neglecting justice and accountability.

In its second appeal, the movement urged political parties, organizations, and both political and military movements to cease conflicts and stop spreading hate speech. It also requested these groups to refrain from participating in the countrys administration during the transitional period, to prepare for elections, and to avoid seeking assistance from foreign governments.

The movements statement called on the leadership of the armed forces to step down from power and hand over governance to what it termed as a "bridge government" composed of experts recognized for their competence. It also demanded the military leadership to step down from commanding the army.

Simultaneously, the movement urged the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces to step down, release kidnapped individuals, and vacate civilian homes and both private and public institutions.

In its statement published on May 30, the movement called on all countries fueling the war in Sudan to immediately cease their actions that are destroying the country.

In conclusion, the movement called on everyone to sit down for negotiations and hand over full authority to the Sudanese people, who have a vested interest in managing it federally.




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