
Refugee Coordination in Amhara Region: UNHCRs Data Inaccurate

Sudanese refugees in the Ulala camp in Ethiopias Amhara region have reiterated their demand to be relocated to a safe place outside Ethiopia or to be repatriated to Sudan. They accused the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of downplaying the severity of the situation and providing inaccurate information regarding the number of refugees.

In a statement released on Friday, the Refugee Coordination Committee in the Amhara region claimed that there are over 6,000 refugees in the Ulala camp, including 2,135 children and 327 women who are pregnant or nursing.

In contrast, the UNHCR reported in the third week of May that around 1,000 refugees had left the Ulala camp on May 1 due to safety concerns and limited services. These refugees were reportedly still by the roadside, with some returning to the camp intermittently to access certain services. Additionally, the UNHCR mentioned that another 300 refugees from the Komer camp were also staying by the roadside near an Ethiopian Federal Police station.

The refugees asserted that they have been staying in a forest outside the camp for the past 29 days and have no intention of returning due to ongoing military activities between regional forces, the federal army, and militias. They cited incidents of killings, rapes, kidnappings, armed robbery, and threats from unidentified armed groups as reasons for their refusal to return.

The refugees statement highlighted the severe food shortage they are facing. While they have received some food and medical supplies from Sudanese individuals and other benefactors, these are insufficient for everyone, leaving them uncertain about how they will manage in the coming days.

The Coordination Committee reported that the refugees have been forced to consume leaves and drink unsafe water, resulting in poor health conditions for many.

The refugees denied any contact with the UNHCR regarding their situation, stating that only local authorities have attempted, and continue to attempt, to return them to the unsafe camps. They expressed hope that the UNHCR would not make the provision of services contingent on their return to these camps.

The Refugee Coordination Committee in the Amhara region warned that any delay in addressing the issue could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, especially with the onset of the autumn season.




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