
Large Numbers Fleeing Daily from El Fasher to Tawila

Residents are continuing to flee El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, to escape ongoing clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their allies in and around the city, which have been ongoing for weeks.

Adam Regal, spokesperson for the General Coordination of Displaced Persons and Refugees, reported that thousands of people fleeing the fighting in El Fasher and surrounding areas arrived on Monday in Tawila, located 56 kilometers west of El Fasher.

Tawila is within the territory controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur.

Regal stated that the displaced arrived under dire humanitarian conditions, lacking food, medicine, water, and shelter materials.

The Emergency Committee for the Shelter of Displaced Persons in Tawila appealed to regional and international organizations, as well as civil society organizations, to urgently provide life-saving assistance by supplying basic necessities such as food, medicine, water, and shelter materials, according to Regals statement.

Additionally, Mohamed Abdel Rahman al-Nayer, the official spokesperson for the Sudan Liberation Movement, stated on the X platform that dozens of families are arriving daily by trucks, animals, and on foot under severe humanitarian conditions, to the liberated areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement in Jebel Marra.

He clarified that as of June 6th, the number of individuals who had reached the areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement amounted to 5,703 families, equivalent to 34,218 people.

He also appealed to regional and international organizations to act immediately to assist the displaced, saying, "The Sudan Liberation Movement has provided security and peace of mind, but it cannot provide food and medical treatment as these enormous numbers exceed the movements capacity."

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