
Dozens of Sudanese Die from Heat South of Egypt

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced the deaths of dozens of Sudanese who crossed the border from Sudan into Egypt due to heatstroke caused by extreme temperatures in southern Egypt.

In a statement today, the international organization reported that at least 80 people who crossed from Sudan to Egypt died between June 6 and June 9 from heatstroke, according to two local hospitals.

Additionally, Sudanese residents in Aswan informed the organization of four more deaths that occurred while the individuals were en route to the hospital in Aswan.

On June 6, the temperature in Aswan reached approximately 50 degrees Celsius (49.6).

The international organization warned about the dangers of crossing during unexpected high temperatures, stating, "Heatstroke and dehydration have been fatal for many fleeing violence in Sudan across the desert."

The organization clarified that Save the Children is currently providing medical assistance to new arrivals suffering from heat-related emergencies in hospitals in Aswan, while UNHCR teams in Aswan and Wadi Halfa are working to raise awareness about the risks of crossing the border under high temperatures.

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