
International Federation of Journalists adopts resolutions on Sudanese journalists

Moatinoon follow-up
The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists expressed concern about the increasing targeting of Sudanese journalists, threats to media freedom and the plight of those forced into exile.

At the conclusion of its Executive Committee meetings today, the International Federation said that Sudanese journalists face serious challenges amid the ongoing conflict and instability in the Sudan. He added that the situation had become increasingly dire and that many journalists faced severe threats, harassment and violence, forcing many into exile.

At its meeting, the Executive Committee endorsed the organization of a solidarity mission with Sudanese journalists in cooperation with the Union of African Journalists to assess the situation on the ground, provide support and solidarity to Sudanese journalists and defend the safety and freedom of the press.

The Federations Executive Committee called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between the fighting parties and urged them and their external supporters involved in the conflict to work for peace and stability, to create the stable environment necessary for the safety and freedom of journalists and to act in the media without fear of reprisals.

The Executive Committee also approved the mobilization of resources, in cooperation with the Federation of African Journalists, to support Sudanese journalists forced into exile. This includes providing legal and financial assistance, facilitating networks and communications to help them continue their professional work and advocating for their rights and safety in their host countries.

It decided to engage with African and international bodies and human rights organizations to highlight the plight of Sudanese journalists in order to increase international attention to the plight of Sudanese journalists and to establish mechanisms to ensure accountability for attacks on journalists.

It affirmed its solidarity with Sudanese journalists and its commitment to defending press freedom and journalists rights in the Sudan.

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