
The Discourse of Love

Sara Hamza Aljak
Sara Hamza Aljak

Sara Hamza Aljak

A loving person is one who is in harmony with themselves, even if alone in the universe, engaging in a dialogue with their inner self, listening and being heard. The distance between them diminishes, bringing inner peace and tranquility, allowing them to settle quietly, breathing in the oxygen of life and gifting it back with carbon dioxide.

Such a person is a musician of humanity; as a primary unit in a small societal structure, interconnected with other small units like theirs, forming a larger society. Thus, the virtue of human bonding expands to encompass all people, regardless of their color, language, race, or religion.

This loving musician takes care not to harm those around them, choosing the sweetest notes from their musical repertoire to share with others, creating a harmonious melody. In this way, expressions of love grow and flourish, spreading their most fragrant scents to the universe.

A person becomes loving when they realize that the vast universe is made for them, when they decode the laws governing life, engaging with them, and choose to listen to the voice of God within them. This brings comfort, allowing them to see and enjoy the mysteries of the world without preconceived judgments or fear, for humans tend to fear the unknown. Formal education often turns a person into a lone horse in the race for knowledge, insufficient and unsatisfying, yet they yearn for and seek more knowledge. Knowledge is available to all, and wisdom is the treasure of the loving person wherever it is found. Thus, a loving person is knowledgeable and wise, loving themselves, their spirit, and their body. They appreciate their creator and are grateful to those who brought them to life and to those who will follow them. They belong to their land but owe gratitude to all lands, believing in the goodness of their beliefs and wishing others shared them. However, understanding the soul and its mysteries, they know that each person must have their own experiences and journey, as no experience is identical, nor is any path singular.

The loving person loves because they are inherently made for love; it is their beginning and end. Love makes their burdens easier, their path smoother, and their load lighter. It sets them on a straight path, making everything they have and everything they are aligned and upright. This alignment expands their heart, regulates their breath, and opens them up to inspiration, which they express through poetry, prose, storytelling, or music. A loving person is inherently an artist, for how else could they express the vast emotions within them?

A loving person respects themselves, honoring their spirit, soul, and body by granting them peace. They learn to listen to the whispers of ants, the cooing of pigeons, the murmur of water, and the sound of the sun’s heat. They all sing and praise, so how could the loving person not listen?

Respect for oneself helps one respect others, encouraging exploration, understanding others’ cultures, their ways of life, and beliefs. This respect extends to their land, preventing any encroachment on others lands, as these are precious to them just as their own land is. A loving person is an excellent communicator and a skilled negotiator, having mastered these skills through internal battles. They can engage and negotiate calmly and wisely with anyone who differs from them.

A loving person influences their community by retreating to a quiet place, drawing wisdom and ideas from solitude. They return silently, speaking when asked, sharing their knowledge with those who are ready, spreading love and peace through actions rather than words. They are a role model, forgiving themselves for mistakes, rewarding themselves with more love for successes, and enduring the twists and turns of life with patience.

Hatred arises from ignorance of what is hated. If the hater knew it, they wouldn’t hate it. Thus, a discourse of hatred incites others who share this ignorance to hate what they do not understand. The hater is ignorant of their own essence, hating their soul and body, and society responds with mutual hatred. Their discourse is filled with poison, poisoning those who hear it. If they are loving, love acts as an antidote; if hateful, it increases their illness. The hater controls others with their hateful discourse, spreading fear and venom among people.

The discourse of hatred is incomplete and weak, contrary to natural laws, requiring baseless evidence and manipulated facts to support its shaky foundation. It fights love, humanity, and life. In contrast, the discourse of love fights no one, including everyone in its call. Lovers pursue their love in their own ways, filling the public space with love, displacing anything contrary to it.

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