
UNHCR: Sudanese Refugees in Eastern Chad in Critical Condition

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that one-third of the Sudanese refugees arriving in eastern Chad are living in makeshift sites along the border under deplorable conditions and facing a severe health crisis. There is an increase in incidents of looting, vandalism of humanitarian facilities, and drug and alcohol trafficking.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the international organization called for immediate action, warning that the situation would worsen with the imminent rainy season, which threatens to spread waterborne diseases such as cholera and hinder the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The UNHCR noted that the likelihood of further displacement is high as fighting continues in the city of El Fasher and the surrounding rural areas of North Darfur. There are also reports of widespread looting and burning of villages, as well as looming famine in Sudan, which is expected to drive more refugees to Chad.

On average, 630 people crossed the Adré border daily over the past month.

The UNHCR urgently called for 80 million to build three additional sites to relocate and shelter 150,000 new arrivals. It highlighted that it has received only 10% of the 214.8 million needed for eastern Chad in 2024 so far.

Since the outbreak of war in Sudan in April 2023, over 600,000 refugees and 180,000 Chadian returnees, the vast majority of whom are women and children, have sought refuge in Chad. More than 115,000 people have arrived since the beginning of 2024, and Sudanese refugees continue to pour into the region, fleeing the ongoing fighting and hunger.




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