
International Monitor: 14 Regions in Sudan Face Famine Risk

An international hunger monitoring body has issued a warning that 14 regions across Sudan are at imminent risk of famine if the ongoing conflict, now over 14 months long, continues unabated.

The threatened areas include parts of Darfur, Khartoum, Kordofan, and Gezira State.

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), an international unit that measures and classifies the severity of food crises, stated on Thursday that approximately 755,000 people in Sudan are facing one of the most severe levels of hunger. Additionally, 8.5 million people, or about 18 percent of the population, are experiencing food shortages that could lead to acute malnutrition or necessitate emergency coping strategies.

Save the Children has highlighted that 355,605 of those affected are children.

March IPC figures revealed that in just one displacement camp, nearly a quarter of children (23%) were suffering from wasting—the most visible and deadly form of malnutrition.

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