
States welcome internally displaced from Sinjah and Sennar

The Field Action Coordination Blue Nile said that the movement of displacement from Sennar State continues towards Blue Nile State. The coordinator said on her Facebook page that hundreds of families coming from and around Sinja had been taken in a number of shelters.

The coordination opened some 8 shelters in the city of Damazin, the state capital, and in Kanissa Sharq, providing basic services to displaced persons, mainly food needs, through 3 meal kitchens.

The Coordinator appealed to all young men and women to engage with volunteers in shelters and kitchens and on the main road of the entrance to Damazin and the Eastern Sniper and Al-Ruwaysaris to help all those fleeing the hell of war.

For its part, the Kassala Youth Emergency Room welcomed arrivals from displacement areas in Sennar State and made an urgent appeal to the Kassala community, including the state government, international and local organizations working in the city and all civil society, to welcome and provide the necessary assistance to the arrivals.

The Chamber announced a central kitchen at the Community School to provide food support to the States guests, as well as health audit clinics.

In Gedaref State, which borders Sennar State, its cities have received thousands of displaced persons along the way in local initiatives. Activists from Gedaref State called for coordination of efforts between the States initiatives to better assist displaced persons. They called for the activation of civil society, traders and organizations working to mobilize all the energies in this circumstance, especially when it coincides with the autumn ordinance.

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