
Two internally displaced from Sennar State dead in Kassala

Kassala - moatinoon
The Kassala Youth Emergency Room announced yesterday that two displaced people from Sennar State had died.

Since early July, the city of Kassala has received hundreds of displaced people from Sennar State after the RSF attacked and controlled Sinja and its surrounding areas.

Kassala welcomed all its official and grassroots levels of displaced persons from Sennar State. On July 1, the Chamber appealed to the state government, international and national organizations, community initiatives and local communities to support displaced persons.

The Chamber has launched central clinics at the industrial schools shelters and the Ministry of Agriculture to meet health conditions. The clinics received hundreds of emergencies. The Chamber found a significant response from the General Directorate of Pharmacy and Toxicology of the Ministry of Health and continued support from pharmacists in the city of Kassala and the citys pharmaceutical companies, and was able to provide its diagnostic, laboratory and treatment services free of charge.

The Kassala Emergency Room also continues to provide free meals to displaced persons in the citys various shelters.

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