
EU Aid and Kufra Municipality Appeal for Support for Sudanese Refugees in Libya

The European Union has provided urgent assistance to support healthcare services for Sudanese refugees in Libya, as Kufra Municipality in Libya received a delegation from various international organizations, including the UNHCR, UNICEF, IOM, WFP, UNFPA, WHO, and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

In a statement on Tuesday, the EU announced that the financial aid amounting to half a million euros will be given to the WHO to deploy medical teams, supply kits and equipment, enhance healthcare services at six primary health care facilities, and deploy mobile clinics to provide immediate medical treatment to vulnerable Sudanese refugees.

The statement revealed that more than 1,200 Sudanese are entering Libya daily through Kufra, a six-fold increase compared to December 2023. It is noteworthy that nearly half of these new arrivals are women and children. These new arrivals join the 40,000 Sudanese already present and spread across southeastern Libya.

On Wednesday, the Kufra Municipality in southeastern Libya held a meeting with representatives from the international organizations who arrived in Kufra on Tuesday. The meeting included directors and officials from the health, education, electricity, water, and humanitarian sectors, along with some municipal council departments. The key needs of these institutions were discussed to ensure their ability to face the challenges and burdens arising from the increasing number of refugees in the municipality.

Kufra Municipality spokesman Abdullah Suleiman stated to local media that some institutions in Kufra are struggling to provide services to Sudanese refugees due to the increasing numbers resulting from the expanding war.

He mentioned that the materials required to issue health certificates for the refugees have run out due to their high cost, noting that the municipality has issued approximately 21,000 health certificates free of charge to Sudanese refugees.

Suleiman called on all responsible entities to urgently provide the necessary support to Kufra Municipality so that its institutions can adequately serve both the refugees and the citys residents.

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