
For an oxygen cylinder in the states of Darfur and Kordofan, 300 thousand SDG

Residents in North Kordofan State hospitals disclosed that getting oxygen cylinders was a challenge for patients in childrens nurseries and intensive care units.

The countrys health sectors decline, according to a research by Independent Arabia, has prompted the emergence of a rising black market phenomena and the arrival of middlemen to handle medical demands. According to the research, the cost of an oxygen cylinder in the states of Darfur and Kordofan reached 300,000 pounds, which led to fatalities.

The website was informed by patients companions at Al Obeid hospitals that medical facility middlemen had approached the public to donate oxygen canisters for cash, "particularly since they are aware of the need of ventilators for intensive care centres and childrens nurseries, as well as the association of this vital substance with intensive care, critical conditions and surgeries."

The World Health Organisation issued a warning in May of last year that the Sudans healthcare system was in serious danger of failing, particularly in remote areas, and that it was being plundered, destroying medical facilities, and experiencing acute shortages of personnel, supplies, equipment, and vaccinations.

Speaking at a Geneva press conference, Christian Lindmeier, the organizations spokesman, estimated that 20 to 30 percent of the nations medical institutions were still in use, "even at minimum levels." He continued by saying that just 25% of needs are met by medical supplies, and that certain nations, like Darfur, "have not received medical supplies over the past year."

"People with diabetes, hypertension, cancer or kidney failure may experience complications or die due to lack of treatment," according to him.

Since the war began in April 2023, artillery, aerial, and bullet bombardment have disrupted oxygen plants and medical supplies, according to the Independent Arab report. Additionally, the risk of medical personnel being arrested or killed when moving around has made the situation worse.

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