
Al Jazeera Project Outside of Production Circle

Moatinoon Follow-Up
Engineer Omar Al-Farouk Rahma, the spokesperson for the Al Jazeera Farmers Alliance and the Manaar, a member of the General Council of the Al-Taliba Group, disclosed that the Al-Jazeera project had left the production circle after a century and that the hauliers were the largest agricultural projects to adopt streamlining irrigation systems and introduce them in the Sudan region.

Al-Farouq clarified that the projects development had been halted. It comprised the biggest and wettest experimental farm in the world, one of the agricultural heritage works of the world, a laboratory, a factory, and banks to store the seeds of every plant in the Sudan and the surrounding area.

The war, the accompanying eviction of the islands village residents, and the resulting loss of safety, a spokesman for the Farmers Alliance emphasised to TAM that these factors led to the work stoppage and the reason for the delay in his return. These factors included the grave consequences of the island project populations cessation of agricultural activity, specifically the widening food gap and famine, as well as the impact of populated areas that depended on the irrigation system for drinking water.

Animals will perish in large numbers as a result of this forced halt from dehydration, starvation, and a lack of veterinary treatment.

Farouk Rahma pointed out that the projects irrigation systems would fail, silt would build up in irrigation channels, and parasitic trees—like the devastating and quickly spreading mesquite trees—would spread widely if ongoing work and periodic maintenance were not performed.

Furthermore, Engineer Omar al-Farouq stressed that the only way to ensure the growth and continuance of the productive process anyplace is to protect peoples right to a safe and secure existence. If there is no effective means to stop the slaughter, forced displacement, stealing of money from agricultural finances and crops, and denial of access to food that is necessary for survival, these acts of genocide will continue for years to come.

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