
SUDAAK appeals for the protection of Sudanese cultural property

SUDAAK appealed to all parties involved in the preservation of Sudans cultural heritage to join forces to work with wildlife conservation stakeholders. as part of the effort to reduce the risks and repercussions of war.

The Assembly called upon the Sudanese authorities and official stakeholders to make the necessary efforts to preserve the Dinder Nature Reserve, in cooperation with national and professional institutions and specialized international bodies, which could contribute to the preservation of this natural heritage, which was established in 1935.

It warned that natural reserves in Blue Nile State, including the Dunder Reserve, faced a direct threat as a result of the war.

In a statement yesterday, the Assembly said that it had been calling for a unified effort with Sudanese civilian entities since the beginning of the war to dedicate collective action towards peace and stability in the Sudan.

It called for the protection and preservation of Sudanese cultural property and heritage by collecting them from official and private archives, libraries and museums for future generations.

Advocacy included all local, regional and international institutions and stakeholders concerned with the environment and wildlife. in addition to community associations and environmental organizations operating in the Sudan.

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