
130 Families Leave Tuti Island Due to Security Concerns

According to the International Organization for Migration, 130 families left Tuti Island in Khartoum state on July 19th due to security concerns. The displaced families mainly sought refuge in areas within Karari locality in Omdurman, which still experiences tensions due to repeated artillery shelling in some of its localities.

In its bi-monthly report, the organization tracked displacement patterns, movement intentions, and the humanitarian needs of the displaced in Sudan through the Displacement Tracking Matrix. The organization relies on a network of 470 data collectors and 6,381 key informants to gather data from 8,620 locations across all 18 states of Sudan.

Displacement Figures
DTM Sudan estimates that 10,594,576 individuals (2,129,632 households) are internally displaced in Sudan, as of 03 July 2024.
An estimated 7,794,480 individuals were displaced since 15 April 2023.
An estimated 2,238,671 individuals crossed borders into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023.
27% of IDPs who were initially displaced prior to the onset of conflict on 15 April 2023 were displaced again after 15 April 2023.
55% of IDPs were children under the age of 18-years-old.
Approximately 50 per cent of IDPs were hosted across the Darfur states, with nearly 17 per cent of all IDPs hosted in South Darfur alone.
Over a third (35%) of all IDPs were displaced from Khartoum state.
Food remained the highest reported need among displaced households: over 97 per cent of IDPs across Sudan were hosted in localities with high levels of acute food insecurity or worse (IPC Level 3+). Food was reportedly unaffordable for an estimated 89 per cent of displaced households.
Over 20 per cent of the population in Sudan was displaced, either internally or across borders, since 15 April 2023.
Sudan hosts approximately 14 per cent of all IDPs worldwide, and approximately 1 in 7 IDPs worldwide are Sudanese.

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